Sunday, May 24, 2009

Film: Factotum

One random night at home trying to stay home and not spend money, I was flipping through the channels and randomly happened on this strange movie with Matt Dillon as a down and out writer in LA who takes a series of random jobs to help him make enough cash to keep eating, drinking scotch and  writing his novel. It turned out to be one of the most beautifully shot movies I've seen recently. Please rent this if you can, at the very least for the beautiful camera work by cinematographer John Christian Roselund.

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Muse: Carine Roitfeld

I WANT IT: Akira motorcycle

I don't even know how to ride a motorcyle....have only been on one my whole life...but I would LOVE to own Kanada's bike in real life, if only to make all my nerdy, art guy friends jealous. 

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Art: Tomokazu Matsuyama

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Photo: Hedi Slimane

Former creative director of Dior Homme and now an amazing photographer, furniture designer, and all around genius creative this guy has the sexiest blog I've ever seen. Lets all bow down to the force that is Hedi Slimane. Here are some of my current favorites from his website.

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Art: Darren Waterson

I recently picked up the Silversun Pickups latest album and immediately fell in love with the cover art. Google is a beautiful thing and now I am a big fan of painter Darren Waterson, a native of my father's hometown of Fresno, CA and currently residing in San Francisco this Otis graduate has a beautiful palette of colors and a lyrical hand.

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The Freshness

Why start a blog now? Because I can, because I feel like it, and because there is too much out there that is fresh, exciting and motivating to not put my two cents in.....Enjoy.